38 [Meeting held at Exchange Hotel, Liverpool, Tuesday, March 21, 1944] Present:- Messrs W. C. Gibbins (Chair) & all other Directors & Secy. with the excepting of Capt. Thos. Percy. Minutes of Meeting of the 7th inst., were read & confirmed. Junior Grounds Secy. reported that pending the arrival of a ground plan, the site at Skelmersdale had not been viewed, that it was impossible to obtain the South Liverpool ground, & that having heard there was a possibility of Earle's ground being available, enquiries were out in this direction. J. Mercer The Chairman reported that L'pool F. C. had requested the services of this player for their Cup-tie v Manchester City on the 25th inst., but it was agreed that should the player be on leave, the Secy. included him in our XI v Chester. Directors to Chester Messrs Gibbins, Green, Evans & Turnbull. Fixtures Secy. reported that our matches for April 1st & 8th would either be v Southport in Lancs. Cup, or Tranmere Rovers in L'pool Cup, decision being dependent upon L'pool F. C.'s result in F. L. Cup. On Apl. 10th we would play either L'pool or Blackpool at Goodison Park. Chorley F. C. It was noted that the Football Association would not make a grant to this Club to assist their recent appeal & had also decided ? Entertainment Tax to defer pressing the Chancellor of the Exchequer to receive representations for the placing of football in the schedule of "living" performances. F. L. Propositions Secy. was instructed to put this item on next agenda. F. A. Council (Div. 3) Mr. E. Green expressed his willingness to have his name go forward for Division 3's representative.