35 "Salute the Soldier" A request for the use of the Campaign ground on May 3, 1944, on behalf of this Savings effort, was reported & it was agreed that this be granted & that the Secretary meet the organ- isers to ensure the arrangements. H. Lyon The death of the Secretary of the L'pool County Combination was reported. He had given 20 years Honorary Service in his capacity as such. Secy. was instructed to send a letter to his widow & to provide a wreath from the Club. The Chairman & Secy. stated they would be able to attend the funeral. Directors to Messrs W. C. Gibbins, E. Green, Blackpool G. Evans, R. R. Turnbull & R. E. Searle. Next Meeting Tuesday, March 7, at Exchange Hotel, Liverpool, 5 pm. Confirmed as correct. Wm. C. Gibbins Chairman. Mar 7/44