[Meeting held at Exchange Hotel, Liverpool,
Tuesday, December 7, 1943]
Present:- Messrs W. C. Gibbins (Chair), E. Green, Dr. C. S. Baxter, W. R. Williams,
R. R. Turnbull, R. E. Searle, C. C., & Secy.
Minutes of Meeting of the 23rd Nov., were read
& confirmed.
Army F. A. Match Secy. reported that the gross proceeds of the
Army International Match on the 4th inst. would reach £6400.
The nett profit on the programmes was £142.7.0
which would be devoted to the "Footballer's Day Fund."
Bank Balance £20,954.13.4 Dr.
Gordon Smith Secy. reported his visit to the Hibernians v
Rangers match on Nov. 27th & mainly his report was similar
to that of Mr. R. E. Searle (Folio 21.). He felt that the player was
rather impetuous, which could be due to his age, but that he had
great possibilities. Our own player Lowe might be equally
attractive, but had not the physical advantages of Smith.
Conversation had been opened to show that
we were interested, & we were now awaiting word from
the Hibernians Club, to let us know their ideas.
W. Lowe It was reported that this player was now leaving
hospital & would be re-examined in two week's time.
S. J. Bentham This player was reported to be in Northern
Hospital, having been operated on successfully.
Pensions The pensions of R. Parker & Mrs. A. Roberts
were increased by 5/- weekly.
Xmas Boxes It was agreed that the Staff be given an extra
week's salary & that J. Fare receive 30/- & Messrs J. Sharp's
Staff £5.
H. Jones This item to be placed on next Meeting Agenda.
Next Meeting December 21, 1943 @ 4.45 pm. Confirmed as correct.
at Exchange Hotel. Wm. C. Gibbins
Dec. 21/43