41 action of J. M. Hannon v Everton F. C. wherein the Judge's ruling was, that the prosecution was awarded damages of s d 7/6 per week. Butter (M. field) Mr. J. Fare was not impressed by this I. F. who had been inconsistent at O. R. Clayton (Cradley Heath) Mr. H. R. Pickering did not value this O. L. as being any better than those already on our books. Gorman (Bury) Mr. T. Fleetwood also thought this F. B. was no better than our present staff. Gillies (Clyde) Mr. R. R. Cochran gave a very good report of this O. L. who was 19, 5'5" & of medium build. M/c Utd. Players Mr. H. Lyon thought Carcy I. L. would be an acquisition & thought Worrall (F. B.) well worth watching. Banner (Doncaster) Mr. L. Deary gave a very good report of this F. B. who was 19, 5'10" & 11½ st. Scotland v C-Slovakia Permission was granted the S. F. A. to utilise Gillick's services on the 8th December. Foreign Tour 1938 Decided that consideration be deferred. Donation Two Guineas was donated to the Red Triangle Club. Letters of Thanks These read from A. Dickinson & North L'pool Committee of the Radium Institute Appeal Fund. Players on Transfer Lists read from Notts County, Celtic, Burnley, & Plymouth Argyle, but no action taken. Players to Watch Mr. E. Green to see Hogg. Mr. W. C. Gibbins to see M/c Utd. players. Mr. R. R. Cochran do Carabine. Mr. W. Laine do Roxburgh. Use of Ground This granted to L'pool J. O. C. for display in June 1939. Next Meeting Monday, 29th inst., at 5.15 pm. Confirmed as correct. E. Green Chairman.