
		of this I. R. who had played on the wing. He strongly approved
		of the play of Griffiths (R. B.) of Manchester Utd.

Barraclough (Colchester) Mr. H. Hart reported that this player
		was unfit, & had not played.

O'Donnell, H. (P. N. E.) Mr. J. Fare gave a good report of this man's
		play, but was not too certain of his physical condition.

Cox (S'field Utd.)	Mr. T. Fleetwood gave an excellent report
		of this L. B. who was 5'10"; 12st; 19; very fast & a good tackler.

McNee (Hamilton)	Mr. R. R. Cochran gave a good report of
		this O. L.

Sibley (Bournemouth)	Secy. reported that this player whom Mr.
		W. J. Wallace had reported well of, could he had for £2,000.
		No action was taken.

Stanley (Lancaster)	Mr. C. Cooper only gave a promising ver-
		dict about this R. B.

Bowden (Arsenal)	Secy. stated that the Club had asked
		£6,650 for this player, but that the general opinion of
		those Directors who had been contacted, was that
		£3,000 was the maximum fee that we should pay.

Brook (M/c City)	It was reported that this player might
		be obtainable in the near future.

E. Hurel		An enquiry from Northampton Town F.C.
		for this player, was not entertained.

Gillick			The Chairman was empowered to speak
		to this player, regarding his recent playing.

Donation		Ten Guineas was donated to the Lan-
		cashire Football Association Benevolent Fund.

Insurance		It was agreed that the Directors Trav-
		elling Risks Policy be increased commensurately with their
		potential loss in case of accident.

Austria F.C.		Request for a match at Goodison Park
		during November or December, was not entertained.

Letters of Thanks	These read from R. Parker, Wrexham Schools
		& Sir Robert Jones Memorial Workshops Fund.