24 Dickinson, A. It was agreed that Mr. W. Cresswell be given the opportunity of securing this player for Northampton F.C. at a fee of £250 & that we pay Dickinson £50 for accrued share of benefit, if permitted by the Football League. C. L. Circulars These read, but consideration deferred. Lost Script It was agreed that Mr. C. E. Kirkwood be issued with new certificates in lieu of those lost. Donations Haslingden St. Mary's F.C. were granted £10 & the Sir Robert Jones Memorial Workshops Five Guineas. Letters of Thanks These read from Bangor City F.C. & the Goodfellows Fund Committee. Players to Watch Mr. W. C. Gibbins to see Robinson (Wedy.) Mr. T. Percy do O'Donnell (Preston) Mr. W. J. Wallace do Bournemouth players. Next Meeting Tuesday, the 26th inst. at 5:15 p.m. Confirmed as correct. W. C. Cuff Chairman.