23 who was reputed to be better at I. L. He was only 17, but good & hefty. He was a potential good player. Lane did not play owing to an injury. Bournemouth Players Mr. G. Evans stated that Rowley (O. L.) might be a proposition later, but was not yet ready; Redfern (O. R.) was very ordinary; but Sibley (R. B.) had played a magnificent game. Sibley was 21, 6 foot & could be obtained. Worrall (Winsford) Reports of this L. B. were received from Messrs J. Fare & H. R. Pickering, but a letter read from the Club, proved that he had now signed for Manchester Utd. Milligan (Oldham) Mr. H. Lyon gave a very good verdict of this L. H., & a fairly good report of Young (F. B.) of York City. N. E. Players Mr. W. Laine reported that Muse (L. B.) of Twizel Colliery was prepared to come down for trial on the 30th inst., but that Gibbons (I. L.) Willington, was not available. Coulter (21) Transfer of this player to Grimsby Town F.C. at a fee of £1500 & a further £500, was confirmed if signed for 1938-9, as was also request to the Football League to pay him £400 as accrued share of benefit. Hullett Confirmation was given to the transfer of this C. F. to the Plymouth Argyle F.C. Wilkinson (20) Secy. reported that this player had now signed for the terms offered, viz. £3 per week & £5 Signing on Bonus. This was confirmed. Caskie It was reported that St. Johnstone were not prepared to part with this O. L. meantime. New players Secy. reported that Barraclough, Chelsea & O'Donnell (P. N. E.) could be obtained for £2,000 & £5,000 respectively & that Brook (M/c City) might be obtainable. Bowden (Arsenal) was aged 28. Decided that Mr. Cuff speak to the parties concerned the coming week-end, & see what possibility there was of securing Bowden or Hall of Tottenham & Brook.