20 Torquay Players Mr. G. Evans was not impressed by Harbutt & McDonough, but was very impressed by the ability of Joslin (G) who was young & good. He thought Wright (I. L.) 19 yrs. old & 6'1" was magnificent & he had heard good reports of Lanc. (O. L.), both of Southend Utd. Butler (M'field) Mr. J. Fare thought this I. F. was very promising & should be seen again. Crothero (Rochdale) Mr. T. Fleetwood did not recommend this O. L. but gave a very good report of Walters (C. H.) Chester. Davies (Northwich) Mr. H. Lyon was disappointed with this O. L. but gave a very good report of Worrall, the L. B. of Winsford, this report being supplemented by a verbal one from Mr. J. Appleton. Scottish Players Mr. R. R. Cochran gave fairly good verdicts of Deakin (O. L.) St. Mirren & McGarry (O. L.) Morton. N. E. Players Mr. W. Laine gave a good report of Muse (L. B.) of Twizel Colly. Jones. Wilkinson (15) Decided to offer this player £3 per week, with £5 Signing on Bonus. Coulter (17) It was reported that Sunderland & Grimsby Town F. C.'s were interested in this player, it was agreed that a price of £2,500 be asked. Jessop & Haim Derby County having asked prices of £1250 & £3500 for these players, it was agreed that no action be taken. Transfer of Shares Shares Nos. 940 to 942 from E. M. Wade to G. T. Williams were approved. Collection Goodfellows Fund granted permission to take collection at our match v Birmingham, Dec. 11, 1937. Players to Watch. Mr. E. Green to see Southend players. Mr. G. Evans do Bournemouth do. Use of Ground This granted to Hospital Cup Comee. for Wedy. 20th inst. Next Meeting. Tuesday, 19th inst. at 5.15 pm. Confirmed as correct. W. C. Cuff Chairman.