
Brookhirst Switchgear Co. Letter read promising the release of
		Trentham, when desired to utilise his services.

Wood (W. B. A.)		Letter read that offers for this player
		would be considered. No action taken.

Bentham			Request from Sheffield Wedy. for this
		Players transfer was considered. Secy. was instructed
		to ask if the Club were prepared to consider him
		as part transfer for their full back Catlin.

R. Parker		Mr. G. Evans reported his interview
		with this player & it was agreed that his case be
		considered at the next meeting.

F. A. Letter		Secy. reported that Mercer had been
		cautioned by the referee in the match v Derby.

193, Walton Lane	Mr. T. Percy stated that he had made
		an offer of £600 for this house.

Players to Watch	Secy. to make arrangements.

Next Meeting		Tuesday, the 28th inst. @ 5.15 pm.

				Confirmed as correct.
					W. C. Cuff