
Donations		Agreed that Two Guineas be allocated
		to the Chester & District Football League for services rendered.

R. Parker		It was agreed that Mr. R. R. Cochran
		be asked to enquire into this ex-player's circumstances.

Players to Watch	Mr. H. Hart to see International Trial
		Match at Firhill, & Purvis & Nelson, North Eastern players.

M. P. A. F. G. C.	It was decided that Five Guineas
		be donated to this Competition, instead of Ten
		Guineas as formerly.

Next Meeting		Thursday, the 9th inst. at 12.30 pm.
		at the office of the Chairman.

Kernaghan		The Chairman reported his conversation
		with certain Irish F. A. officials, regarding this O. R.

					Confirmed as correct,
						W. C. Cuff