
Warren (Bristol Rovers) Mr. H. Lyon could not recommend this
		I. R. He preferred Tolland (I. R.) of Northampton Town.

Kilshaw (Prescot)	Mr. H. Hart stated that this O. L. was
		17, 5'4", & only 10st. He was not nearly good enough,
		& he could not recommend him.

Martin (Brighton)	Mr. T. Fleetwood stated that this L. B.
		was very good but not more than 5'7½".

Blakemore (Hereford)	Mr. J. Fare could not recommend this
		Goalkeeper who was 24 or 25 & 5'8".

Scottish Players	Mr. R. R. Cochran gave a poor report of
		McNee (Hamilton) O. L. who was 5'4" & under 10st. He
		gave a further good report of Carruth (C. F.) of Celtic.

W. E. Players		Mr. W. Laine gave very good reports of
		Purvis (I. R.) of Medomsley Insce., aged 18, & Nelson, (L. B.) of
		Willington, aged 19 or 20, 5'8" & over 11st.

A. E. Stevenson		Enquiry from West Bromwich Albion for
		this player's transfer, was not entertained.

Felton			It was agreed that this player be
		signed on for the remainder of the current season at £4 per week.

Landon Xes.		It was also agreed that Directors Susten-
		ance Allowance be at the rate of 30/- for each night
		spent in the Metropolis, when on the business of the Club.

F. A. Letter		Secy. reported receipt of letter from
		the F. A. cautioning Clubs against the use of foul
		tactics on the playing field.

L. C. F. A. Senior Cup	The action of Mr. W. C. Gibbins, our
		Vice President on the L'pool County F. A., in agreeing to
		the suggestions for the carrying out of the 1937-8
		Competition, was confirmed. The Council suggested that
		any deficit of profit below £200, should be equally
		borne by the Liverpool & Everton Clubs.

Bangor City F. C.	It was agreed that we send a team
		to play a match at Bangor during the Season, if
		possible. This to appertain to Saturdays.