4 [Meeting held at Xchange Hotel, L'pool, Tuesday, 7th September, 1937.] Present:- Messrs W. C. Cuff (Chair), E. Green, W. C. Gibbins J. Sharp, Dr. C. S. Baxter, G. Evans, J. Percy & Secy. Minutes of Meetings held on 31st Augt. & 2nd inst. were read & confirmed. Finance Receipts were reported:- Gate v Manchester City Res. £69.15.5 do v Blackpool Res. £78.19.8 Cheques were signed:- W. Laine Wages & Xcs. £14.11.4 Theo. Kelly Wages & Bonuses £300.0.0 Bank Balance £898.8.0 Cr. Dr. W. T. Davies Letter read explaining this gentleman's absence from the match at Goodison Park on the 4th inst. The explanation was accepted. Results Reports were given of the matches:- v Blackpool 0-1, v Blackpool Res. 1-3, M/c City Res. 3-2, v Earlestown W. S. 4-1. Officials Reports Dr. Davies, Messrs Cooke & Hart's reports were given to the Meeting. Team The team was Chosen:- v Manchester City (h) 8th inst. Sagar, Cook, Jones J. E., Britton, Gee, Mercer, Geldard, Stevenson, Lawton, Dougal, Trentham. Res. Cunliffe. Dr. to Blackburn Mr. W. C. Gibbins. Robinson (Wedy.) It was confirmed that we were not inter- ested in this player at the price already offered, viz. £7,500, but Secretary was instructed to re affirm our original offer of £10,000 for he & Cattin. Payne (Luton) Secy. reported that this player was in the market at a figure probably exceeding £8,000, but it was agreed that we were not interested.