289 [Meeting held at Xchange Hotel, Liverpool, Tuesday, November 24, 1942.] Present:- Messrs W. C. Gibbins (Chair.), Dr. C. S. Baxter, G. Evans, Capt. T. Percy, W. R. Williams, R. R. Turnbull, R. E. Searle & Sec'y. Minutes of Meeting of July 7 & of Finance Meetings of Sept. 26 & Nov. 21, were read & confirmed. Finance Sec'y reported a debit Bank Balance of £21,949.10.1. To date, the Season's working had shown an improvement of approx. £750 as compared to last year, although there was an outstanding item of £509.15.6. due for war Damage Contribution. Reference was made to an allusion by an official of the Liverpool F.C., of "Full Insurance Cover" against War Damage Claims. Secy. was instructed to ascertain what this meant. T. Fleetwood Correspondence from Royal Insurance Coy. regarding this ex-employee's injury was read & it was noted that an Agreement had finally been recorded in L'pool County Counts for a final settlement of £700 & costs. J. Grant Secretary was empowered to sign this player on as a professional & also to do likewise with any really good young players who might be thus safeguarded for the Club's use. Post War Football The ideas of the Meeting were collected Problems & Secy. instructed to formulate a letter to the Football League & send same after getting the Board's approval. It was noted that these ideas would only be suggestions on our part, for the League Management Committee's consideration, the question of voting on each matter, not arising