
			[Meeting held at Exchange Hotel,
			Liverpool, Tuesday, July 7, 1942]

		Present:- Messrs W. C. Gibbins (Chair), Dr. C. S. Baxter, G. Evans,
			W. R. Williams, R. R. Turnbull, R. E. Searle & Sec'y.

			Minutes of Meetings of the 2nd inst.,
		were read & confirmed.
			The Chairman expressed the good
		wishes of his colleagues & himself to
		the newly elected Directors & Messrs Turnbull
		& Searle responded.

Chairman		Mr. W. C. Gibbins was unanimously
		re-appointed Chairman & it was recorded
		that he had during the past year, served
		21 years on the Board. It was agreed
		that consideration of a presentation to mark
		this anniversary, be left to a later & more
		convenient date.

Sub-Committees		Following were elected:-
		Finance:- Messrs W. C. Gibbins, T. Percy, R. R. Turnbull, R. E. Searle.
		Ground:-  Messrs E. Green, G. Evans & W. R. Williams.

Quorum			Agreed that this be fixed at three.

Transfers of Shares	Following transfers were approved:-
		Shares Nod. 1617 to 1620 incorporating substituted name
		of new Trustee of Mary Allen Decd.
		Shares Nod. 1696 to 1698 form W. R. Williams to Wm. Birch.

Letters of Thanks	These read from the family of the late
		Mrs. Newborn & also Mrs. S. Roberts.

Staff Wages		An increase of 10/- per week was
		granted to H. E. Cooke & E. Storey.

Next Meeting		Left to Chairman to fix.

						Confirmed as correct
							W. C. Gibbins