285 [Annual General Meeting held at Law Association Rooms, Thursday, July 2nd 1942] Present:- Messrs W. C. Gibbins (Chair), W. C. Cuff, Dr. C. S. Baxter, G. Evans, W. R. Williams, & 30 other Shareholders & Secy. Secretary read the Notice convening the Meeting. It was agreed that the Press be admitted. Directors Report, On the motion of the Chairman, it Accounts & B/S was agreed that these be taken as read. The Chairman reported briefly on the Season's working. He referred to the satis- faction of the Board at this 1st financially successful war-time season, & also to the mediocrity of the playing performances. He made special mention of Re-extreme loyalty shewn by our registered service players who had made many journeys at inconvenience, to enable us to have their services. Thanks were due to Keen (Derby C.), Harry Jones (W. B. A.), Anderson (3rd Lanark & Tranmere Rovers), Waring (New Brighton), Mutch (P. N. E.), Soo (Stoke City), & other guest players, who had us enthusiastic assistance. Reference was made also to the deep loss sustained on the Board by the deaths of Messrs A. Coffey & A. Gates. Mr. Coffey's 30 years service had been of extreme value He concluded with eulogistic reference to the hard work put in by the Secretary, to obtain the best possible results.