							  The Everton Football Club Company Ltd.


							For Period 7th June, 1941 to 30h May, 1942.

		  1941			EXPENDITURE.		May 30th, 1942	 	   1941			INCOME.			May 30th, 1942
		 £	 s. d.					 £	 s.  d.		  £	 s.  d.	 				 £	 s.  d.
		 715	10   0	To Players' Wages... ... ...	 792	 0    0		 3677	 4  10	By Gate Receipts ... ... ...	11580	 9   3
				"  Medical Fees, Players' Ac-						" Proceeds of Matches played
		  75	12   0	    cident Insurance, &c. ...	  86	 8    3		 1343	17   7	    away, &c.   .... ... ...	 3103	18   4
		1454	 3  11	" Gate Division to Visitors...	4912	 2    7		_______________					______________
		 594	 1   9	" Travelling Expenses... ...	1071	 6    6		 5021	 2   5					14684	 7   7
				" Advertising, Billposting,
		  74	 3   1	    Printing and Stationery	 153	 7    7		   30	13   9	" Season Tickets ... ...	   27	 0   0
		 211	10   7	" Gate Expenses, Checkers, &c.	 336	 3    7				" Sublets and Programme
		 		" Training Expenses and					  671	 3   5	   Account	... ... ...	  758	18   7
		 265	 0   0	" Trainers' Wages... ...	 307	13    2		    1	 5   0	" Share Transfer Fees... ...	    2	17   6
				" Ground Expenses and					_______________					_______________
		 360	11   2	" Groundsmen's Wages	...	 390	17    5		 5724	 4   7					 15473	 3   8
				" National Health and Un-
		  19	13   1	   employment Insurance...	  22	 5    8				" Balance to Profit and Loss
				" Rent, Rates, Taxes, Light-
				   ing, Water, Telephone,				 1904	 2   7	    Account ... ... ... ...	  -	 -    -
		1070	19   8	   Insurance, &c. ... ...	1326	 2    1
		 760	 8   0	" Entertainment Tax... ...	2596	 3   11
				" Office Expenses, Secretary's
		 361	 5   3	   Salary, Postages, &c. ...	 360	13    4
				" Bank Commission and
		1105	12   0	   Interest	.. ... ...	 947	 4    9
		  83	 3   4	" Clothing, Material & Stores	 138	15    2
				" League Percentages, Sub-
				   scriptions, Contributions,
		 126	12   9	   &c. ... ...		...	 281	 1    2
				" Law Costs and Accountancy
		  76	19   6	   Charges ... ... ... ...	  69	10    0
		 122	 0   0	" Pensions     ... ... ...	 102	 0    0
				" A. R. P. and Fire Watching
		 151	 0   6	   Expenses... ... ... ...	 309	 7    4
								14203	 2    6
				..Balance to Profit and Loss
				   Account ... ... ... ...	 1270	 1    2

		_______________					_______________		_______________					________________
		£7628	 7   2					£15473	 3    8		£7628	 7   2					£15473	3    8
		______________					_______________		_______________					_________________

						   For Period 7th June, 1941 to 30th May. 1942.

		   1941						May 30th, 1942		    1941					May 30th, 1942
		  £	 s. d.					 £	 s.  d.		  £	 s.  d.	 				 £	 s.  d.
				To Depreciation written off						By Surplus at June 7th, 1941
		4206	 0   0	   Stands, &c. ... ... ...	 3786	 0   0		39877	 8   10	    as per Certified Accounts	34337	 1   5
		  		" Payments (on account) in
		 129	 7  11	   respect of War Damage	  398	 2   9		  356	 4    1	" Income from Properties ...	  607	10   1
				" War Damage Contribution
				   on Houses and War Dam-						" Interest on Investment-
		  -	 -    -	   age Insurance ... ...	  101	 2   0		  134	 9    6	  Consolidated Loan  ... ...	    3	 4   6
				" Amount of Expenditure					  208	 9    6	" Profit on Sale of War Loan	   -	 -   -
		 1904	 2   7	  over Income ... ... ...	  -	 -   -				" Amount of Income over
		34337	 1   5	" Balance carried forward ...	31932	12   5		  -	 -    -	  Expenditure ... ... ...	 1270	 1   2

		______________					_______________		________________				______________
		£40576	11  11					£36217	17   2		£40576	11  11					£36217	17   2
		_____________					_______________		________________				______________