				     Everton Football Club Company Ltd.

		Report of Directors to the Sixty-third Annual General Meeting of
		   the Company to be held on Thursday, the 2nd July, 1942.

		The Directors in submitting the Accounts of the Company for the Period
		   ending 30th May, 1942, beg to report thereon as follows—

		The Balance to credit of Profit and Loss
		   Account brought forward from last
		   year amounted to	...	...	...			£34337  1  5

		Add Income from Properties	...	...	607 10  1
		Add Income from Investments	...	...	  3  4  6
								_________	   610 14  7
		Add Excess of Income over Expenditure	...			  1270 17  2
										 36217 17  2

		Less Payments (on account) in respect of
		   War Damage	...	...	...	...	398  2  9
		Less War Damage Contribution on Houses
		   and War Damage Insurance	...	...	101  2  0	   499  4  9
								_________	 ___________
										 35718 12  5

		The Directors have made provision in the Accounts for
		   Depreciation, amounting to	...	...	...	...	  3786  0  0
		Leaving a Balance carried forward of	...	...	...	£31932 12  5

		The Directors desire to record with very great regret, the loss sustained
	by the Company, through the death of Mr. Andrew Coffey and Alderman A. Gates.
	Mr. Coffey was in his 30th year as a Director, and Mr. Gates joined the Board
	in 1938. In their respective service, they gave of their best. Both were due
	for re-election this year, along with MR. W. C. CUFF, who is eligible and offers
	himself for a further period of service, which will bring his association with the
	management of the Club to the 50 years mark.

		Nominations have been received on behalf of MESSRS R. E. SEARLE, C. C.,
	of Sefton Street, Liverpool, and R. R. TURNBULL, Dowhills Road, Blundellsands.

		There being three vacancies, these gentlemen will accordingly be declared
	elected for the ensuing three years.

		The Auditors, MESSRS. T. THEODORE ROGERS, BOWLER & Co. retire and
	offer themselves for re-election.

		The Transfer Books of the Company will be closed until the 3rd day
	of JULY, 1942.

								W. C. GIBBINS, Chairman.


		Mr. W. C. GIBBINS  ...   ...   6	Mr. W. C. CUFF	 ...	...   2
		Dr. C. S. BAXTER   ...	 ...   6	Mr. E. GREEN	 ...	...   2
		Mr. W. R. WILLIAMS ...	 ...   6	Capt. T. PERCY	 ...	...   1
		Mr. G. EVANS, J. P  ...	 ...   3	Mr. A. COFFEY (decd. 12/2/42) 1
			Alderman A. GATES, J. P. (decd. 23/5/42)   ...   0

		In addition to above 6 Emergency and Sub-Committee Meetings were held.