[Meeting held at Exchange Hotel,
Liverpool, Tuesday, June 9, 1942]
{attendances checked
to here inclusive}
Present:- Messrs W. C. Gibbins, W. C. Cuff, Dr. C. S. Baxter,
G. Evans, W. R. Williams, & Secy.
Minutes Minutes of meeting held on May 4th.
were read & confirmed. Secy reported that the
Rates of Entertainment Tax had now been amended
so that our new admission prices of 1/3' & 2/6' meant
that we still received 10' & 1/8' nett respectively.
Alderman A. Gates Secy. formally reported the death of
this Director & the meeting stood in silence as a
mark of respect. It was also reported that Mr.
Harold newborn had lost his wife, & Secretary
was instructed to send a letter conveying the
sympathetic feelings of the Board.
Finance Receipts were reported:-
Share of Gate & L'pool F. C. £205.9.6
do. pool, Football League Cup £209.9.9
Bank Balance £22317.13.10 Dr.
Accounts & Balance Mr. H. W. Bowler attended & presented like
sheet statement of Accounts for period ended May 30, 1942
& it was agreed that:-
The amount due from Sunday Debtors be
valued for the purpose of the Balance sheet at £744.5.6
A depreciation of 10% be written off all
stands, Hoardings & Erections amounting to £3786.
The amount expended on clothing &
stores be written off the Income & Expenditure a/c.
The statement of Accounts, Profit & Loss
A/c & Balance sheet be approved.
Payment of Dividend on the paid up Capital
of the Company, is not recommended.