
Vote of Thanks		Mr. F. W. Lake proposed a vote of
		thanks to the Board of Directors, for carrying
		on the good work of the Company under very
		trying conditions & extraordinary difficulties.
		He very especially referred to Mr. E. Green, who
		had always given of his best in the interests
		of the Club, & assured that Director that
		he had the confidence of the Shareholders who
		regretted the action that had been taken against
		him by the Football Association.

			Messrs R. E. Searle & R. J. Alexander
		supported Mr. Lake & the Vote was given the
		unanimous support of the meeting.

			The Chairman in than being the
		Shareholders, on behalf of the Board, remarked
		on the assistance that he had received in his
		office, from the Secretary, & at the request of the
		Meeting, the latter responded.

			Mr. E. Green then rose & expressed
		his gratification at the feelings voiced
		by Mr. Lake for the Shareholders. He said that
		he had only done what he [could always en-
		deavour to do] had thought was right.

			The Meeting then closed.

						Confirmed as correct
						W. C. Gibbins