271 right-loving man, was both unjust & unmerited. He regretted to strike a sorry note, when mentioning Mr. Andrew Coffey's name. After various operations & treatments, this Director had, ultimately, to have his eyes removed. The Meeting agreed, that a message of good wishes should be sent to Mr. Coffey. Returning to the players, he referred to the success of the experiment made in playing such boys as Lovett, Hill, Finnis, Simmons, Lindeman, Owen & Lyon. These lads justified the attempt made 3 years ago, to organise 5 teams, instead of the usual 3. In his opinion, these was nothing wrong with wartime football, except the lack of atmosphere due to the small attendances. Money had not been spared, even under present conditions, to bring the best teams & best players to Goodison Park, but the public response had been extremely poor. The appeal for Comforts for the Troops Fund had been very good indeed, but he response of the City Organisation responsible for the collection & distribution of same, had been very disappointing. Not one single note or message of acknowledgment, had been received, excepting from those units supplied direct from the Company's offices. Before dealing with the Accounts, the Directors wished to show their appreciation of the Auditors action, in voluntarily accepting a very much reduced fee for their services. Regarding the Income & Expenditure account, the loss was very largely accounted for by the Bank commitments. The Income