[Annual General Meeting of Shareholders
held at Law Association Rooms, Friday,
July 11, 1941]
Present:- Messrs W. C. Gibbins, E. Green, Dr. C. S. Baxter, G. Evans,
W. R. Williams, 18 other Shareholders & Secretary.
Secretary read the Notice convening
the Meeting.
It was agreed that the Press be ad-
Directors Report, On the motion of the Chairman, it was
a/cs & B/S agreed that these be taken as read.
The Chairman then went on to give his
report on the Seasons working. The playing record
was not quite so good as last years, mainly due
to national calls, & although the financial position
was considerably better, unexpected slips in
The Football League Cup & particularly in the
Lancashire Cup, probably cost the Club some
hundreds of pounds.
Twenty seven of the players were in
the Services & he regretted to report that William
Reid, the goalkeeper had been posted as missing
following the Cretan operations. Director Thos. Percy
had during the past twelve months, attained the
rank of Captain in the Royal Ordnance Corps, a
promotion due no doubt to his unquestioned ability.
He referred to the support he had
had from the Board, even in their absence due to
War conditions, when they had acquiesced with
decisions, he had had to make hastily & referred
to the welcome return of Mr. Ernest Green, after
serving a period of suspension which to every