
			[Meeting held at Exchange Hotel,
			Liverpool, Friday, July 11, 1941]

		Present:- Messrs W. C. Gibbins, E. Green, Dr. C. S. Baxter, G. Evans,
			W. R. Williams & Secy.

			Minutes of Meeting of the 17th June, were read
		& confirmed.

Finance			Receipt of cheque £65.0.0 from Air Ministry
		for Practice Ground rent, was reported.
			Bank Balance £23,315.2.1 Dr.
			Secretary was instructed to make further
		enquiries to ensure that the Insurance of all the
		interests of the Company, was a full one.

A. G. M.		Proposers & Seconders of the usual Mations
		were agreed upon.

Lancs. F. A.		Mr. E. Green gave his report on the A. G. M.
		of this Association, whereat Committee of Three
		officials had been appointed to submit considered
		proposals for the Lancs. Senior Cup, to the Clubs con-
		cerned, after learning of the Football League's programme

Caskie			Secy. gave a brief report of the incidents
		leading to this player's offence against Football League
		regulations, & subsequent permission granted him to
		play for Hibernians. The action was confirmed.

Watson			It was agreed that this player be
		treated by Mr. McMurray, at our expense.

Next Meeting		Tuesday, July 22, 1941 at Goodison
		Park, at 7pm.

A. Coffey		Secy. was instructed to convey the Board's sympathy
		to this Director.

					Confirmed as correct
						W. C. Gibbins