
			[Meeting held at Exchange Hotel, Liverpool
			Tuesday, June 17, 1941]

{Attendances checked} Present:- Messrs W. C. Gibbins (Chair), E. Green, Dr. C. S. Baxter,
{to here inclusive T. K.} W. R. Williams & Secy.

			Minutes of Meeting of May 29, 1941, were
		read & confirmed.

Accounts & Balance	Mr. H. W. Bowler attended & presented the
Sheet		Statement of Accounts for period ending June,
		7, 1941 & it was agreed that:-
			The Amount due from Sundry Debtors be
		valued for the purpose of the Balance Sheet at £502.16.0.
			A Depreciation of 10% be written off all
		Stands, Hoardings & Erections, amounting to £4,206.
			The amount expended on Clothing & Stores
		be written off the Income & Expenditure Account.
			The Statement of Accounts, Profit & Loss
		Account & Balance Sheet be approved.
			Payment of Dividend on the Paid up.
		Capital of the Company, is not recommended.

Annual General		It was decided that the Annual
Meeting		General Meeting of the Company be held at the Law
		Association Rooms, on Friday, July, 11, 1941 at 7.30 pm.
			It was agreed that the Auditors take
		control of the admission to the Meeting, & obtain
		any necessary assistance.
			It was also agreed that they dispatch
		Notices of the Meeting & Copies of the Balance Sheet &
		Accounts, to the Shareholders.

Finance			The Share of the Pool in the Football
		League War Cup, was reported to be £172.14.9.
			Bank Balance £23,540.8.0 Dr.