
			[Meeting held at Exchange Hotel,
			Liverpool, Thursday, May 29, 1941]

		Present:- Messrs W. C. Gibbins (Chairman), E. Green, Dr. C. S. Baxter,
			Capt. T. Percy, W. R. Williams & Secy.

			Minutes of Meeting of the 29th January, 1941
		were read & confirmed.
			The Chairman on behalf of his colleagues
		welcomed Mr. E. Green on his return. Mr. Green responded

Finance			The receipt of a further payment from
		Burnley F. C. re H. Morton, of £50, was reported.
			Bank Balance £23,585.11.7 Dr.

			It was agreed that the Chairman & Secy
War Damage	be empowered to take out the necessary War
		Damage Insurance.

Policy for 1941-2	The Board were unanimously of the
		opinion that the fullest effort should be made
		to carry on football during the coming season.

Officials to Nottingham	Messrs W. C. Gibbins & Secy. to attend the
		A. G. M.'s of the Football Association & Football League.

Transfers & Shares	Following transfers were approved:-
		2 Shares Nod. 1108 & 2187 from T. Bickerstaff to R. Bickerstaff.
		3    do	      1658 to 1660 do  E. Kitchen     to R. E. Searle.
		"    do 2207, 225 to 227, 1114 to 1117 & 1168 to 1170 from
							W. C. Cuff to R. E. Searle
		13   do 2219, 1279 to 1287, 1776 to 1776 from A. B. Banks to R. E. Searle.
		8    do  193, 696 & 1567 to 1572	  do   A. Coffey  to R. E. Searle.
		6    do       729 to 734		  do   P. Gorry	  to R. E. Searle.

Next Meeting		Tuesday, June 17, 1941

							Confirmed as correct
							W. C. Gibbins