
			[Meeting held at Exchange Hotel,
			Liverpool, Tuesday, July 30, 1940]

		Present:- Messrs W. C. Gibbins, A. Coffey, C. S. Baxter, G. Evans & W. R. Williams.

			Minutes of Meetings of the 11th inst. were
		read & confirmed.

Finance			A cheque was signed for:-
		L'pool Corporation	Composition Rates £333.12.1
			Bank Balance Dr. £30,763.9.11.

London Meetings		Mr. W. C. Gibbins detailed the business
& Policy for	carried out at the Annual General Meetings of the Football
Next Season	Association; Football League & Central League.
			He asked the Board, having regard
		to the almost unanimous opinion of the Football
		League Clubs, to continue some form of League
		football; whether they would reconsider their
		decision to discontinue playing. It was decided
		that some further consideration be given to this
		following the receipt of more definite information
		regarding the probable Rating Assessment should
		the ground be reopened.

Chairman		Mr. W. C. Gibbins was unanimously
		re-elected Chairman.

Sub Committees		These were appointed en bloc as
		last year.

Quorum			It was agreed that this remain at
		the present figure of three.

Transfer of Shares	The following transfers were approved:-
		Shares Nod. 1357 & 2402 from E. G. Sampson to H. G. Porter.
		  do   228 to 230 from L. M. Price to R. R. Turnbull.

R. A. F.		The offer of this Service to pay
		£178.12.6 for their use of electric current from Sept.
		1939 to March 1940, was accepted, after hearing
		the Secretary's statement.

Convoys Ltd.		Secy. stated that the Wool Control