					      . THE .

				 Everton Football Club Company Ltd.

		Report of Directors to the Sixty-first Annual General Meeting of
		   the Company to be held on Thursday, the 11th July, 1940.

		The Directors in submitting the Accounts of the Company for the Period
			ending 15th June, 1940, beg to report thereon as follows—
		The Balance to credit of Profit and Loss
			Account brought forward from last
			year amounted to	...	...	...		£52917  8  3
		Less Dividend paid June, 1939	...	...			   105 17 11
										 52811 10  4
		Add Income from Properties	...	...	478  9  0
		Add Income from Investments	...	...	396 19  6	   875  8  6
								_________	____________
										 53686 18 10
		Less Excess of Expenditure over Income as
			shewn by Accounts	...	...	...		  9135 10  0
										 44551  8 10
		The Directors have made provision in the Accounts for
			Depreciation, amounting to	...	...	...	  4674  0  0
		Leaving a Balance carried forward of	...	...	...	£39877  8 10

			Considering the present situation the Directors are of the unanimous
		opinion that the Company will best serve the National cause by refraining from
		taking part in Competitive Football and they trust that the Shareholders will
		endorse this decision.

			Further the Ground has been offered to the Central Council of Recreative
		Physical Training, for their purpose in preparing Volunteers of all ages from 16
		years upwards for future emergencies.

			The retiring Directors are MR. E. GREEN, DR. C. S. BAXTER, and
		LIEUTENANT T. PERCY, who are eligible and offer themselves for re-election.

			No other nominations have been received.

			The Auditors, MESSRS. T. THEODORE ROGERS, BOWLER & Co. retire and
		offer themselves for re-election.

			The Transfer Books of the Company will be closed until the 12th
		day of JULY, 1940.

								W. C. GIBBINS, Chairman.



		Mr. W. C. GIBBINS  ...   ...  16	Mr. G. EVANS, J. P. ... 12
		,,  E. GREEN (to 29/4/39)...  15	,,  W. C. CUFF	   ...  10
		Dr. C. S. BAXTER   ...   ...  15	,,  A. COFFEY ...  ...   9
		Mr. W. R. WILLIAMS ...   ...  15	Lieut. T. PERCY	   ...   8
		Ald. A. GATES, J. P....	 ...  15

		In addition to above 12 Emergency and Sub-Committee Meetings were held.