257 [Annual General Meeting of Shareholders held at Law Association Rooms, Cook St., Liverpool, Thursday, July 11th, 1940.] Present:- Messrs W. C. Gibbins (Chair), A. Coffey, W. C. Cuff, Dr. C. S. Baxter, G. Evans, A. Gates, W. R. Williams, 40 other Shareholders & Sec'y. Secretary read the Notice Convening the Meeting. It was agreed that the Press be ad- mitted. Directors' Report, On the motion of the Chairman, it A/cs & B/S. was agreed that these be taken as read. The Chairman then went on to give his report of the Seasons working - a Season which could not be comparable to any previous one in history. He reminded the meeting that we had commenced in Championship fashion & even after the world-crash came, our players had put up a good performance in both Regional matches & Cup-ties. They had given of their best under difficult war-time conditions, not only finishing 3rd in the League & being in the last 8 for the War-Cup, but had annexed both the Lancashire & Liverpool Senior Cups. The boys teams in the Bootle J. O. C. League, had had a successful season & several of these youngsters had filled occasional gaps in the Senior side, showing considerable merit & promise. However, with the European crisis reaching its peak as the Season ended, the Directors having received the advice of higher authorities, decided that in the National interest, we would best