254 Of the Company be held at the Law Association Rooms on Thursday, July 11th, 1940, at 7.30 p. m. It was agreed that the Auditors take control of the admission to the meeting & that they be authorised to obtain any necessary assistance. It was also agreed that they dispatch Notices of the Meeting; & Copies of the B/S & Accounts to the Shareholders. Future Policy Consideration was given to the policy for next Season & it was unanimously decided that the Directors recommend to the Shareholders that the Club do not take any part in Competitive football whilst the present National situation continues. Staff Wages These were dealt with & it was decided that the following amendments be made:- Sec'y. to receive £5 per weeks from July 20th, as a part time retaining wage. H. E. Cooke & E. Storey £3/10/-, from June 28th. Mr. Roberts 10/- weekly, do. H. C. Sadler's services to be dispensed with temporarily. Pensions The following revisions were made;- J. Fare £1.10.0 per week J. Elliott £1.0.0 do N. Smith to be discontinued. Rates It was decided that the General Rate on Properties be paid on demand. That £100 be paid on Ground Rate, without prejudice, on due date, & having regard to future re-adjustment of Assessment. That Composition Rate on Properties be paid on 3rd August, 1940. Use of Ground Alternative requests from the Football Association & "E" Division of the Volunteer Defence