
			of the Commission of The Football Association appointed to enquire into and deal with
				alleged misconduct by Everton F.C. and A-Sgt. Instr. J. Mercer.

			The Commission—Messrs A. Brook Hirst (in the Chair), C. Wreford Brown, E. Case
			and S. F. Rous (Secretary), met at the Crewe Arms Hotel, Crewe, on Monday, 22nd April,

		The following attended:—
			Messrs E. Green (Chairman), W. C. Gibbins, G. Evans (Directors of Everton F.C.), and
		T. Kelly (Secretary).
			Lieut. G. Cox, represented the Army F.A., and the Officer Commanding 311th Infantry Train-
		ing Centre.
			A-Sgt. Instr. J. Mercer, player of Everton F.C.

			Letters regretting their inability to attend were received from the following Directors of Ever-
		ton F. C. : Messrs. A. Coffey, A. Gates, W. R. Williams and Dr. C. S. Baxter.

			(Lieut. T. Percy, who is serving with the Forces, was also unable to attend).
			(Mr. W. C. Cuff, a Director of Everton F.C., was not asked to attend on account of his con-
			nection with The Football Association).

		A.  The Chairman stated that the Everton F.C. had been summoned to explain why instructions
		    were given, in contravention of F.A. Rule 41, to A-Sgt. Instr. J. Mercer to play for Everton F.C.
		    when he and the Club had been notified of his selection for the representative match, England XI
		    v. Welsh XI at Wembley.

		      Rule 41 states :—"Any player selected to attend any International or other match arranged by
				   this Association and (without good and sufficient cause) refusing to comply with
				   the arrangements of the Council for playing the match, or failing to attend such
				   match, may be adjudged by the Council to have been guilty of misconduct, and
				   any Club or Official who may be deemed to have encouraged or instigated such
				   player to commit a breach of instruction or rule, shall be deemed guilty of a similar

		B.  Copies of communications between the F.A. and Everton; the F.A. and the Officer Command-
		    ing Mercer’s Army Unit; and the F.A. and the Army F.A. had been circulated prior to the Meet-

		    During the questioning of the various representatives the following facts emerged:—

			(a)  That, on receiving the letter from the F.A. stating that Mercer had been selected to play
			     in the Representative Match, the Everton F.C. had held an informal Board Meeting
			     (Messrs. E. Green, C. S. Baxter, W. C. Gibbins, W. R. Williams, T. Percy and the
			     Secretary attending), at which it was decided to inform the F.A. that Mercer was not
			     available as the Everton F.C. required his services.