[Meeting held at Goodison Park, Liverpool,
Tuesday, April 16th, 1940.]
Present:- Messrs E. Green (Chair), W. C. Gibbins, Dr. C. S.
Baxter, Alderman, A. Gates, & Sec'y.
Minutes of Meeting held on the 7th ultimo
were read & confirmed, as was also the record of
Finance Matters dealt with on the 28th March.
Finance Receipts reported were:-
Gate v Chester £186.16.11
do Wolverhampton Wands £918.16. 2
do Liverpool £723.14.11
do Stockport County £ 61. 1.10
do Lydiste £ 9.19. 0
do Bootle St. James £ 5. 1. 6
do Liverpool £663.10. 8
Manchester City F. C. Share of Gate £ 77. 0. 8
Crewe Alex F. C. do £ 84.10.10
Wolverhampton Wands F. C. do £283. 0. 2
Port Vale F. C. do £ 85. 4. 9
Central League Refund of Part Subscription £ 10. 0. 0
Cheques were signed for:-
Customs & Excise Tax £104.14.8
Liverpool F. C. Share of Gate £178.17.3
Lancashire F. A. do £178.17.3
Football League 2% £ 3.11.7
Bank Balance £30545.14.5 Dr.
Financial Year It was agreed, that owing to the ex-
tension of the Football League Competitions by
the Football Association, to June 8th 1940,
we should close our accounts for the 1939-40
year, on June 15th.
F. A. & Mercer It was resolved that copies of