245 Football League Mtg. The Chairman was appointed to represent the Club at Leeds, on Friday the 1st March. J. Smith Consideration was given to the situation surrounding the death of this servant of the Club, who was first employed in August 1986, & it was agreed that his daughter received the sum of One Pound per week from 8th March 1940 until the 1st Meeting after the next Annual General Meeting of the Company, when the case would be reviewed. E. Storey E. Storey was appointed Chief Groundsman to fill the position held by the late J. Smith. Transfer of Shares Following transfer was approved:- Shares Nod. 1213 & 1954 from T. Roger to N. W. Coffey. Lord Mayor's Fund An appeal was read & the Sec'y. was instructed to write pointing out that in our own way, we were considerably furthering the ideas behind the collection of this Fund. Collection League of Welldoers was granted permission to take a collection at one of our Regional League matches, in lieu of our usual Donation. Next Meeting Left to the Chairman to decide. Confirmed as correct. E. Green Chairman.