244 [Meeting held at Goodison Park, Liverpool Tuesday, 27th Feb'y., 1940.] Present:- Messrs E. Green (Chair), W. C. Gibbins, Dr. C. S. Baxter, G. Evans, T. Percy, A. Gates, W. R. Williams & Sec'y. Minutes Minutes of Meetings of the 7th, 11th & 12th November 1939, were read & confirmed. Finance Receipts reported were:- Gate v New Brighton £171. 1. 0 Gross Gates at Home since Sept. 9, 1939 £2150.14.6 Shares of do away do £1274.14.10 Cheques were signed for:- Customs & Excise Tax £25.13.9 Football League 2% £ 2.11.10 New Brighton F. C. Share of Gate £65. 8. 4 Theo Kelly Wages &c. £40. 0. 0 Bank Balance £31674.7.1 Dr. Sec'y. also reported that the principal out- standing accounts were the proportion of Taxes £819.11.0 & of Rates £786.5.0. Discrepancies Arising from matters in the minutes of previous meetings, the Sec'y. stated that a further sum of £1.5.0 had now been credited to our ac- count, so that the total Deficiency was £32.15.10. David Allen This Company having applied for a reduction of Rental, the Sec'y. was instructed to ascertain the best offer that they would make; & report to the Board subsequently. L'pool Cup F. C. A grant of £5 was made to this Club for the use of their ground during Aug't. & Sept. 1939. Band The account for the services of the Cheshire Lines Band for £35 to Jan'y 1940, was approved for payment.