241 [Meeting held at Goodison Pk, L'pool Tuesday, 7th November, 1939.] Present:- Messrs E. Green (Chair), A. Coffey, W. C. Gibbins, G. Evans, A. Gates, W. R. Williams & Sec'y. Minutes of Meetings of the 19th & 30th Sept., were read & confirmed, as also were those of Finance Meetings held on 21st Sept. & 26th October. Finance Receipts since last Meeting. Gate v Preston Nth End. £230.10.6 do Burnley £170.17.11 do Stoke £287.8.4 Share of Gate v Blackpool £131.6.2 do v Bury £101.12.0 do v L'pool F. C. £208.12.8 do v New Brighton £118.15.5 Gross Proceeds, Football League XI v All British XI £1234.1.10 Cheques were signed for:- Customs & Excise £197.10.8 F. Howarth a/c Red Cross & St. John War Fund £1036.11.2 Football League 1% Season Tickets £ 3.19.5 Bank Balance £29650.6.2 Dr. Discrepancies The Chairman reported that deficiencies of Cash amounting to £34.0.10 had been discovered at the Office & asked the Secretary to detail his findings. This was done & it was agreed that a Sub- Committee of Messrs E. Green & W. R. Williams attend on a convenient date to interview Messrs H. Hart & H. R. Pickering, reporting subsequently to the Board on results of same. Xmas Boxes It was agreed that Directors, Staff & Players be given a Turkey & its equivalent in kind, the Sec'y. to ascertain the particular circumstances in each case.