239 Wallasey Central & Wallasey Cottage Hospitals, £3 each. F. A. & F. L. Notices These were read. Police Notice It was noted that sanction had been granted to hold matches at Goodison Park. C. L. Notice It was agreed that we do not favor participation in this Competition under present circumstances. Offers of Grounds As we were now enabled to play on our own ground, the offers of Wigan Ath. & Southport F. C's, were declined. Offers of Matches It was left to the Sec'y. to make provisional fixtures. Pensions Sec'y. was instructed to include this item on the Agenda of the Next Meeting. Morton H. (226) It being reported that Burnley F. C. had not carried out their obligations, Sec'y. was instructed to further write, requesting the settlement of the Transfer Fee. Donation It was decided to grant £10 to the Lancashire F. A. Benevolent Fund. Next Meeting Left to the Chairman to decide. Confirmed as correct. E. Green Chairman.