238 [Meeting held at Exchange, L'pool Tuesday, 19th September, 1939.] Present:- Messrs E. Green (Chair), W. C. Gibbins, W. C. Cuff, Dr. C. S. Baxter, G. Evans, T. Percy, A. Gates & W. R. Williams, & Sec'y. Minutes of Meeting of the 12th inst., were read & confirmed. Mr. Whitehead It was agreed that the Chairman should use his influence to have this Shareholder's Shares, properly registered in the present holder's name. Finance Receipts reported were:- Blackburn Rovers F. C. Bal of Share of Gate £219.15.10 A Cheque was signed for:- Theo Kelly Accrued Wages £14.0.0 Sec'y. was instructed to draw a further cheque in his own favor for £27.13.4 completing the balance of Salary due to Sept. 15th viz., £41.13.4. Bank Balance £29361.16.1 Dr. Match v Bury Confirmation was given to this fixture for Saturday next & Messrs E. Green, W. C. Gibbins & W. R. Williams expressed their intention of attending. Practice Match Donations The receipts of £269.12.6, were allocated as follows:- {In future, check all these titles} Northern, Southern, Stanley, Royal, & Cancer Hospitals, £40 each. Bootle Hospital, St John Ambulance Assocn., & Lifeboat Institution, £10 each St. Pauls' Eye; L'pool Eye; L'pool Heart; Royal Children's Hospital & Nat'l Inst. for Blind, £5 each L'pool Aged Poor £4.12.6 L'pool Maternity Hospital £4.0.0