235 Indemnity Mr. W. C. Cuff vouched that the Shares in the name of Miss M. P. Kirkwood were still in existence & it was agreed that new Script should not be issued. Service Players Wages It was agreed that the Secretary be empowered, during the Board's pleasure, to pay to players in full Military Service, the difference between their service pay & their wages as per the Football Association form of agreement existing. Mr. Cuff detailed the decisions arrived at by a joint Committee of the F. A., F. League & Services F. A's, in the event of a State of Emergency. Caernarvon Town F. C. Letter read asking for friendly fixture, but it was agreed not to entertain this at present. Transfers of Shares Following transfers were approved:- Shares nod. 2182 & 257 from Exors C. H. Ashton to C. L. Lomas. do 1590 to 1592 from F. S. Flinn to L. L. R. Flinn. J. Caskie On the suggestion of Mr. W. C. Cuff, it was agreed that this player be allowed to receive the sum of £36/10/-. This decision would not contravene any of the regulations of the Football League. G. Clarkson It was agreed that the decision made by the Directors in 1921 regarding this Shareholder, should be strictly adhered to in the future. War Emergency Sec'y. was empowered to provide against likely rationing restrictions. Next Meeting Tuesday, 5th Sept., at 5.30 pm. Not approved Confirmed as correct. E. Green Chairman.