
				[Meeting held at Exchange Hotel, L'pool,
				Tuesday, 29th August, 1939.]

		Present:- Messrs E. Green (Chair.), A. Coffey, W. C. Gibbins, W. C. Cuff,
			Dr. C. S. Baxter, A. Gates, W. R. Williams & Sec'y.

				Minutes of the meeting of the 22nd inst.
		& of Finance Meeting of the 24th inst., were read & confirmed.

Finance				Receipts were reported:-
		Gate v Brentford			£1756.8.0
		 do v Aston Villa Res.			£33.9.1
		Share of Gate v L'pool (Jubilee Match)	£372.1.7

				Cheques were signed for:-
		Customs & Excise	Tax	£288.5.8
		L'pool City Police	Service	£16.19.0
		Brentford F. C.		20%	£222.13.0
		Theo Kelly		Wages	£390.0.0
		   do			Salary	£83.6.8
			Bank Balance £28,384.12.5 Dr.

Medical				Dr. W. T. Davies report was read to the

Teams				Following teams were chosen:-
		v Blackburn Rovers (a) 2nd Sept.
		Sagar, Cook, Greenhalgh, Mercer, Jones T. G., Watson, Gillick,
		Bentham, Lawton, Stevenson, Boyes. Res:- Davies.

		v Blackpool Res. (h)
		Lovett; Jackson, Jones; Britton, Gee, Lindley; Barber A.,
		Cunliffe, Bell, Barber E., Caskie. Res. Milligam.

Directors to Blackburn		Messrs E. Green, W. C. Cuff, G. Evans & W. R. Williams.

Jubilee Fund		Secy. having reported that our Share of Gate v
		Liverpool F. C. was £372.1.7 it was agreed
		that we make this amount up to £1,000, thus
		carrying out our obligation to the Jubilee Fund.