[Emergency Meeting held at
Goodison Park, L'pool 12th Aug't. 1939]
Present:- Mr. E. Green (Chair), Dr. C. S. Baxter, Messrs
G. Evans, W. R. Williams & Sec'y.
Picnic It was agreed that after
obtaining the sanction of any other available
Members of the Board, the Secretary proceed
to Morecambe to endeavour to make arr-
angements for Sunday, 20th August.
Invitation to be extended to
Directors, Players & Staff for selves & lady.
Players for Transfer Sec'y. reported a certain int-
erest in Cunliffe & Trentham by Leicester City
& Middlesbro'. It was agreed that any
offers received, along with any Clubs interest
in Milligan or Davies, be considered by
the Board.
Confirmed as correct.
E. Green