230 Mission; St. John Ambulance Association, Belmont Rd. J. I. C. & Mr. D. Hughes, ex-L'pool City Police. F. L. Jubilee Fund (190) Secy. was instructed to purchase programmes from the F. League & to arrange for their distribution to our supporters. Transfers of Shares Following were approved:- Shares Nod. 498 to 500 from Exors. H. F. Allman to S. F. Allman do 240 do E. R. Dodd to F. O. Lyster. Indemnities Indemnities having been received from Jas A. Gashill & Exors. of H. Gaskill, it was felt that the Script was still in existence, & under these circumstances, the issue of new Certificates was not authorized. Sec'y was instructed to ascertain if Shares Certificates were still in existence. Exchange Hotel This Hotel's quotation of a flat d rate of 5/6 per head, was accepted. This quo- tation was exclusive of oysters, & all items generally considered as extras. Next Meeting Tuesday, 22nd August, 5.30 pm at Exchange Hotel. Confirmed as correct. E. Green Chairman.