229 had been selected for this match on 11th October, 1939. Gland Treatment Sec'y. reported the F. L. notice bearing on this matter, had now been posted up in the Dressing Room. Military Service The Board was informed of the F. L. Management Committee's decision regarding the onus of Clubs to pay Wages during Military Training of Players, as contained in their Minutes of 27th July 1939. Argentine F. A. XI It was agreed that we do not ask for a match with this team in February 1940. Matches v Rangers The dates of these home & away games, being more or less subject to exigencies created by International dates, it was left to the Secretary to make the best possible arrangements. G. Jackson Sec'y. was instructed to postpone the agreed transfer of this player, for a week or two. J. Lyon (190) This employee was granted an increase of 5/- per week. R. McMurray It was agreed to pay this ex- players masseur’s a/c of £5.15.6. J. Caskie Correspondence was read from the S. F. A. regarding this player's summer wages, & the matter was left in the hands of Mr. W. C. Cuff. S. Broome It was agreed to offer this ex- Burnley C. F. one month's trial. Tenant's Claim A claim for damage done at no. 9 Goodison Ave., during recent work on the exterior, was considered, & it was decided to pass this on to the Contractor, Mr. C. R. Harris, for his attention. L'pool Council Social Service Correspondence dealt with at last Meeting was again considered & it was left to the Sec'y. to send a suitable reply. Letters of Thanks These were read from the Workmen's