						[Meeting held at Xchange Hotel,
						Liverpool, Tuesday, 8th August, 1939.]

		Present:- Messrs E. Green (Chair.), W. C. Gibbins, W. C. Cuff, Dr. C. S.
				Baxter, A. Gates, W. R. Williams & Sec'y.

				Minutes of Meeting of 6th July were
		read & confirmed.

Finance				Cheques were signed for:-
		Commissioners Inland Revenue	Sch. A.		£225.12.6
		Theo Kelly			Wages		£263.11.4
			Bank Balance £28,811.12.1 Dr.

Dewar Shield			Confirmation was given to the revised
		date of the match v Portsmouth, viz., 4th Oct.

Practice Match			Following teams were chosen:-
		Blues (h) Aug. 12th
		Sagar; Cook, Greenhalgh; Mercer, Jones T. G., Watson;
		Gillick, Bentham, Lawton, Stevenson, Boyes.

		Lovett; Jackson, Jones; Britton, Gee, Lindley; Barber
		A., Cunliffe, Bell, Barber E., Caskie.

Captain				J. R. Thomson was elected for Season

F. A. Coaching Course		Mr. E. Green & Mr. W. C. Cuff reported on the success of this.

Llandudno			Letters of Thanks from the F. L. & C. L.
		Management Committees for the hospitality shown
		them at Llandudno, & the Chairman reported
		that the whole affair had passed off smoothly & well.

Players as Coaches		It was agreed that permission be
		granted to any of our players who obtained on
		engagement as a football coach or demonstrator;
		provided that this did not incur any neglect
		of his obligations as a player of this Club.

Inter League v Irish League 	Sec'y. reported that Goodison Park