227 as the date for this match v Portsmouth. L'pool Hospital Cup Mr. E. Green was nominated as our representative on this Committee. Medal Grant It was agreed that we augment this L. C. C. grant as usual by £10 & that a further 6 medals be purchased for 'B' team players at an approximate cost of 4/- each. Council of Social Sec'y. was instructed to send Service a copy of this Council's letter to each Director for their perusal. F. A. Letter The Chairman read the correspon- dence between the F. A. & himself over the recent article appearing in a daily paper. Letters of Thanks These were read from the F. A. & the Scottish F. A. Donations Twenty Guineas was granted to St. John Ambulance Association & Two Guineas each to Workmen's Mission & Belmont Rd. J. I. C. Sports Fund. Appeals from Royal Bath Hospital, Harrogate & the L'pool Blind Fund were not entertained. Transfers of Shares Following were approved:- Shares Nod. 1590-1592 from Xors. F. W. Flinn to F. S. Flinn do 1033-1044 from I. R. Doherty to G. Evans. F. A. Training Course Chairman received the Board's approval that he should attend this & himself deprecated premature notices in the press that he would beat Leeds. Next Meeting To be left to the Chairman to fix. It was agreed that the Sec'y. obtain a quotation from the Xchange Hotel regarding suggested prices for meals. Confirmed as correct. E. Green Chairman.