Scrutineers were appointed as follows:- Messrs S. B.
Berney; F. W. Lake; E. B. Harrop & A. Lomax.
F. L. President Whilst the checking of votes
was taking place, the chairman expressed
the congratulations of all present, to Mr. D. C.
Cuff, on his election to the honoured position
of President of the Football League. He
referred to the onerous task necessitated by
following such great men as the late J. McKenna
& C. E. Sutcliffe; & stated that the recent
A. G. M. of the Football League in London,
had been handled by W. C. C. as well as ever before,
which was saying a great deal.
Mr. W. C. Cuff replying, stated
his pleasure by the honour & also at the
way in which it had been received by
the Shareholders of Everton F.C. He said
Rab his Honour was reflected on the Club.
Election of Directors The Chairman now declared
the result of the poll as follows:-
W. C. Cuff 2103
A. Coffey 2089
A. Gates 1115
A. M. Denaro 928
He thereupon declared Messrs
A. Coffey, W. C. Cuff & A. Gates re-elected for
a period of 3 years. The candidates replied suitably.
Players Signed The Secretary read out a list
of Professional & Amateur players signed as per
attached lists.
Vote of Thanks Mr. R. R. Turnbull & Mr. J. S. H.
Davies, proposed & seconded respectively,
a very hearty vote of thanks to the Dir-
ectors & Players for their work during