			The Everton Football Club Co. Ltd.

			We, the undersigned, being the Scrutineers
		appointed at the Annual General Meeting of the above
		Company held at The Law Association Rooms, 14 Cook
		Street, Liverpool, on Thursday, the 29th day of June 1939
		in respect of the voting on the nomination of Directors
		hereby report to you, as the Chairman of the said Meeting,
		that the result of such poll was as follows -

							No. of

		  For Mr. W. C. Cuff			2103
		  "   Mr. A. Coffey			2089
		  "   Mr. A. Gates			1115
		  "   Mr. A. N. Denaro			 928

			Dated this 29th day of June 1939.

					S. W. Lake
				-----------------------	)
				     Stanley B. Berney	)
				-----------------------	)  Scrutineers.
					 A. Lomax	)
				-----------------------	)
					E. B. Harrop	)
				-----------------------	)
				-----------------------	)

	To E. Green Esq.
		Chairman of the above mentioned