
		honorary capacity, had given the young boys the
		correct impression of the 'Everton' requirements.
			Before dealing with details of the
		Income & Expenditure a/c, the Chairman informed
		the Meeting that Mr. W. R. Williams had attended
		34 Meetings out of a possible 34.
			On the matter of finance, Messrs
		P. Ney & W. H. Sawyer were the only Shareholders
		to ask questions.
			In referring to the item of Players
		& Trainers Benefits, the Chairman spoke of the
		Boards recognition of H. E. Cooke's services
		during the past 35 years. These services had
		been invaluable for their honesty of purpose
		& their genuine fulfilment.

Auditor's Report	Mr. H. W. Bowler then read the Auditor's Report.

Passing of Balance Sheet On the proposition of the Chairman, seconded
		by Mr. W. C. Cuff, the Directors' Report, Accounts &
		Balance Sheet were unanimously adopted.

Dividend		It was agreed on the proposition of Mr.
		W. C. Gibbins seconded by Mr. G. Evans, that a
		Dividend of 7½% (less Income Tax) be paid, on the paid-up Capital
		of the Company, for the year ending 6th May, 1939.

Election of Auditors	Messrs T. Theodore, Rogers Bowler & Co., were
		re-elected Auditors, on the proposition of Mr. H.
		Allman, seconded by Mr. G. H. Garner.

Elections of Directors	The Chairman declared that Messrs A.
		Coffey, W. C. Cuff, & A. Gate, the retiring Directors
		offered themselves for re-election & that Mr. A. N.
		Denars had also been nominated. A poll had
		been demanded by Messrs C. S. Baxter, W. C. Cuff,
		F. W. Lake, T. Percy & A. Coffey, in accordance
		with the Company Act appertaining, & that
		a ballot would be taken accordingly.