
			[Annual General Meeting of Shareholders
			held at Law Association Rooms, Cook St.,
			Thursday, 29th June, 1939]

		Present:- Messrs E. Green (Chair), A. Coffey, W. C. Gibbins, W. C. Cuff,
		Dr. C. S. Baxter, G. Evans, T. Percy, A. Gates, W. R. Williams & 139
		Shareholders & Secy.

			Secretary read the Notice conven-
		ing the Meeting.
			It was agreed that the Press attend.

? Report		On the motion of the Chairman, it
Balance Sheet	was agreed that these be taken as read.

			The Chairman then went on to give
		his report on the Season - a very satisfactory one.
		He considered it a most remarkable one because
		the prophets had been so utterly confounded.
		When they discovered their initial mistake, they
		doubted the reserve strength, But here again,
		the Central League disproved this pessimism.
		Very early on, representative calls had brought
		& our reserves into a Football League game
		which had been won & on every similar occasion
		throughout the year, the results had justified
		the Board's policy of releasing any players who
		were wanted by their country. He detailed
		the Honours won, totalling 33, a record for
		the Club. The Championship was won with a
		points total 3 above any thing previously attained.
			If he had to pick on any
		one result as outstanding, it was the defeat
		of 7-0 by Wolverhampton. This result was
		followed by an unbroken run of non-defeat
		from February 22nd until April 22nd. It proved