LIST OF PLAYER'S HONOURS SEASON 1938-1939. Total 33 __________________________________________ . Lawton. _________ Sept 21st. Football League v Irish League Oct. 22nd England v Wales Oct. 26th. England v Rest of Europe Nov. 2nd Football League v Scottish League Nov. 9th. England v Norway Nov. 16th. England v Ireland Apr. 15th. England v Scotland Continental Tour v Italy; v Jugo-Slavia; v Roumania. ------------------------------------------- . Mercer. _________ Sept. 21st Football League v Irish League (Reserve) Nov. 2nd. Football League v Scottish League (Reserve) Nov. 16th.England v Ireland Apr. 15th England v Scotland Continental Tour v Italy; v Jugo-Slavia; v Roumania ------------------------------------------- . Cook & A. Stevenson. ______________________ Oct. 8th. Ireland v Scotland Nov.16th. Ireland v England Mar.15th. Ireland v Wales. ------------------------------------------- . Boyes. ________ Oct. 22nd. England v Wales Oct. 26th. England v Rest of Europe Nov. 2nd. Football League v Scottish League ------------------------------------------- . Gillick. __________ Oct. 8th. Scotland v Ireland Nov. 9th. Scotland v Wales ------------------------------------------- . G.Jones. __________ Oct. 22nd. Wales v England Nov. 9th. Wales v Scotland Mar. 15th. Wales v Ireland ------------------------------------------- . Greenhalgh. _____________ Nov. 2nd. Football League v Scottish League. ----------------------------------------- South African Tour. Scottish Tour. ___________________ ______________ G.Jackson; J. E. Jones & C. S. Britton. J. Caskie. _______________________________________