						The Everton Football Club Company Ltd.

						   For Year ending 6th May, 1939.

	   1938			EXPENDITURE.	    May 6th, 1939	1938			INCOME.		May 6th, 1939

	£   s.  d.					 £   s.  d.	£   s.  d.				   £   s.  d.
		  To Players' Wages & Transfer			    46373  11   9 By Gate Receipts ... ... ... 54576   4   0
    15552  12	0	Fees, &c.... ... ...   	     12206  15   0		  "  Proceeds of Matches played
     4365   0   0 "  Players' & Trainer's Benefits    3155   0   0   5075   9   1	away, &c. ... ... ...  12210   1   7
		  "  Medical Fees, Players' Ac- 		   ______________			       _____________
      484   9   9	cident Insurance, &c. ...      528  15  10  51449   0  10			       66786   5   7
     7062  19   8 "  Gate Division to Visitors ...    8694   1   7
     3755   9   5 "  Travelling Expenses ... ...      4757  18   7    761  13   0 "  Season Tickets ... ... ...  680  16   6
		  "  Advertising, Billposting,					  "  Advertising Contractors for
      833  12  10	Printing and Stationery	       995   7   3		      Hoardings, Refreshments,
     1623  18   2 "  Gate Expenses, Checkers, &c.     1791  15   8		      &c., and Programme
		  "  Training Expenses and			      436   3   2     Account ... ... ... ...	 484   6   9
     1882  13  10 	Trainers' Wages	... ...	...   2403   7   4	1  15   0 "  Share Transfer Fees... ...   36   2   6
		  "  Ground Expenses and			   ______________
     3616  12   5 	Groundsmen's Wages ...	      4740  16   9 £52648  12   0
		  "  National Health and Un-
       93  12   3	employment Insurance ...	93   5   6		  "  Balance to Profit and Loss
		  "  Rent, Rates, Taxes, Light-			      828   4   1     Account ... ... ... ...	  __  __  __
			ing, Water, Telephone,
     3578   1   7	Insurance, &c. ... ...	      4035   5   6
     7244   0  10 "  Entertainment Tax ... ...	      8739  10   2
		  "  Office Expenses, Secretary's
     1270   2   8 	Salary, Postages, &c. ...     1310  12   8
      552  15   1 "  Bank Commission and
			Interest	  ... ...     1310  11   8
      577  17   0 "  Clothing, Material & Stores       797   8   0
		  "  League Percentages, Sub-
      ?  [?]	[?]	[?]		  		[?] [?] [?]
		  "  Law Costs and Accountancy
       72   6   0	Charges ... ... ... ...	       146  18   0
      200   0   0 "  Bad Debt Written Off ...
		  "  Pension  ... ... ... ...	       220   0   0
		  "  Expenses in connection
			with Royal Visit ... ...       239  18   0
						    £57865  15   4
		  "  Balance to Profit and Loss
			Account ... ... ... ...	     10121  16   0
   ______________			      	    ______________ ______________			      ______________
   £53476  16   1				    £67987  11   4 £53476  16   1			      £67987  11   4
   ______________				    ______________ ______________			      ______________


						     For Year ending 6th May, 1939.

	   1938		    EXPENDITURE.	     May 6th, 1939	  1938		    INCOME.	       May 6th, 1939
	£   s.  d.				   	£   s.  d.     £   s.  d.				  £   s.  d.
		  To Dividend declared 20th					 By Surplus at May 7th, 1938
		      June, 1938 at 7½ per cent.		    48674  6   3     as per Certified Accounts 47404  11  8
		      per annum, less Income
      109  10  11     Tax	... ... ... ...	       105 17  11     669 15   9 "  Income from Properties ...   648  10  8

		  To Depreciation and amounts
		      now written off Property,					 "  Interest on Investments—
     1267   9  10     &c. ... ... ... ... ...	      5417  6   8		     War Loan  ...  £262 10  0
										     Consolidated Loan 3  4  6
		  "  Amount of Expenditure			      265 14   6		    __________   265  14  6
      828   4   1     over Income ... ... ...	       __  __  __
										 "  Amount of Income over
    47404  11   8 "  Balance carried forward ...     52917   8  3		     Expenditure ... ... ...   10121  16  0
   ______________				   ______________ ______________			       ____________
   £49609  16   6				    £58440  12 10 £49609  16   6			      £58440  12 10
   ______________				   ______________ ______________			       ____________