retiring Members of this Council.
Players Signed It was decided that the offers to Bell
(Retain & Transfer) & Jackson be reconsidered at the next Meeting.
Rangers F. C. Sec'y. reported that this Club would
probably propose home & away fixtures for next Season
between the Champions of England & Scotland.
Requests for Matches These were received from Blackpool
& Caernaroon Town F. C's., but were not entertained.
Ground It was agreed to proceed with
the usual seeding of the ground at the Season's end.
Staff Salaries The following increases were approved:-
H. Hart to £7.10.0; H. R. Pickering to £5; F. Blundell to £3.10.0;
J. Smith to £6; E. Storey to £5.10.0; J. Dick to £3.10.0, all weekly.
Donations The usual grants were made of
Ten Guineas to the Lancs. F. A. & Fifteen pounds to the L'pool
County F. A. for the respective Benevolent Funds.
Letter of Thanks This was read from the Organisers
of the J. E. Knowles Testimonial Fund.
Directorate This was discussed but no proposals
were made.
Next Meeting Tuesday, 25th inst. at 6 p.m.
Confirmed as correct.
E. Green