208 Directors Away To West Bromwich:- W. C. Gibbins. Vice President F. A. It was decided to nominate Mr. W. C. Cuff for this office. Retain & Transfer Secy. reported that Bell, Cunliffe, Edwards, Lovett & Jackson had not yet accepted the offered terms. It was agreed that Edwards offer be increased to £5 & £3/10/- & Lovett to £6 & £3. Ground It was agreed that we get estimates for the painting of Goodison Rd. Stand & the pointing of Goodison Ave. property, but the question of Practice Ground improvements was deferred for a fortnight. H. E. Cooke It was unanimously agreed that this official be given a cheque for £800 in recognition of his services to the Club during the past 35 years. A Cheque was signed for the amount, & presented to him by the Chairman; & the Directors in turn, con- gratulated him. South African Tour Secy. reported that Jackson had been chosen for this & Watson was first reserve. Foreign Tour Secy. stated he had asked for a minim- um guarantee of £600 for 3 games in Eire & was awaiting a reply. Tottenham Hotspur F. C. A suggestion by this Club that a proposal League of 2nd teams should be run, the fixtures to be home & away with the corresponding senior teams of the Football League, was not entertained. Donations It was agreed to give 5 Guineas to W. Hughes Testimonial & One Guinea to J. E. Knowles Testimonial, but not to entertain the application of British Deaf Amateur Sports Association. Transfer of Shares Following transfers were approved: Shares Nod. 408-410 from Xors. W. Barnes to R. S. Barnes & Nos. 2247 & 1022 from H. E. Day to T. H. Day. Next Meeting Tuesday, 18th Apl. 1939, at 6 pm. Confirmed as Correct. E. Green Chairman.